A Time to Get Resourceful!

 Here we are; parents, professionals, people of faith, people of relationship... Yet it feels as though many of those things are being completely redefined (or even completely removed). Whether you are facing incredible income shifts, incredible relationship shifts, geographical or education planning shifts- it's NOT easy to flex with these times. 

I decided to start up this blog to let others know that they aren't alone. I adore connecting people with resources. What I have to offer, I want to offer freely. Due to my experiences in the education field, social services, and marketing/customer service areas, I know there are options for these times. I will gladly share those with you as I think of them! 

Follow along if you'd like to be friends, or just need ideas of how to network and flex these days. I will be giving out all the free advice you can handle. Need to move locations, find other jobs, change up your kids' schooling? Look no further. Or comment or message to pick my brain (I abhor the phrase but, what are we going to do, right?)! 

Let's network rather than reinvent the wheel. #education #digitalworld #distancelearning #homeschool #remotework #relocation #individualchoice #pandemicthoughts


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