Call for Authenticity!

 I have recently become more active on LinkedIn and one thing has become apparent: People need license to be authentic right now. Whether it's kids who hate distance learning so far, and miss their friends, or parents who are job hunting without any luck, we ALL need a chance to be real.

It's funny because my impression of LinkedIn in the past was that it was to be a purely professional space. And there are those who still stick to that. Yet, does a professional space have any room for transparency? Should it have room for sharing things that are personal? In my mind, the answer is YES. Why is that? It is because HUMANS are the ones hunting for jobs. HUMANS are the ones running corporations. HUMANS are the ones losing businesses. So here's my thought: Let's HUMANIZE this whole experience. 

An individual's job and education are not somehow cleanly separate from their personal life. This is even MORE true now with so many working from home. You do your best to appear polished on Zoom while your toddler climbs on the table or has a tantrum in the next room. You have to pause an important call because your homeschooler just lost internet access in the middle of a test or class session. You try to focus on how you will complete a project but you're distracted because you're not even sure if you can pay your rent that week. 

--> I'll say it yet again- we are holistic beings. Mind, body and spirit all overlap as we do our best to cope with what each day brings. 

💭That brings me to my idea. I see how many of you have been desperately trying to survive these days. I read your stories of applying for 500+ jobs for the past 6 months. I know there are stories behind these people trying to improve their situations, because I AM one of these people, myself. Would you like to help us HUMANIZE the current situation by sharing your little corner of the world with others? My goal is to feature a different job hunter each week on this blog, along with a brief video of what they have been going through during this pandemic job search. I aim to share a bit of my tale, as well. 

We are professionals, but we are first and foremost HUMANS who share a common experience. We want our kids to eat. We want to get out from under crushing debt. We hope to feel purpose and promise in our employment roles or business ventures. Ultimately, we want to know that we are not alone. 

💁Will you help me bring a little HOPE back to the picture by offering your authenticity? It doesn't have to be deeply personal or divulge a lot of private details. Reach out if you have a story to share. #authenticity #hiringhumans #jobsearch #pandemicemployment #thehumanexperience #ourstories #everystorymatters #humblehope


  1. Hi Adrielle, I agree with your word. He need to bring back the humanity of the job search. AI, biased ATS, is not the answer.

    1. I am SO with you on that. Did you know that Google actually has humans screen each application? I was surprised.


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